Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Taking a Break

It's been a while since I have done any flights on my world tour.  During spring break, when I did not have a lot of work, I did a lot of flights.  (I substitute teach, among other things.)  But after that, things were pretty crazy for about two months, so I did not do much at all with flight simulator.

Grise Fiord is quite a challenge.  It has a difficult approach and a short runway.  I really think I need to tackle it with a short takeoff and landing aircraft like the twotter.  However, I have not used the twotter very often and don't know it very well.  Landing at Grise Fiord is not a good beginners flight for a new aircraft.  I tried landing at another field but had many problems, resulting in a crash.  So I really need to practice with the Twotter before tackling this field.

Meanwhile, I finally have had some time free up because school is out.  But I have collected more scenery.  So I have been playing with tubeliners for a while, doing a sequence of flights.  I started the current sequence in Antalya, Turkey.  I have had Aerosoft's Antalya scenery for a while, but never used it.  From Antalya, I flew to Istanbul, then to a new Varna scenery, then to Sofia, Bulgaria.  I just finished a flight from Sofia to Bucharest.  Next, I'm on to Prague, then Frankfurt, Berlin, Vienna,  Chișinău, Moscow (Domodedova), Baku, Moscow (Sheremetova), St. Petersburg, and Stockholm.  Most of these are fairly new airports.  A few like Sheremetova and St. Petersburg are revisions of earlier models.  In fact, most of these, with the exception of Moscow Domodedova, have been released since spring break.

But as I posted in my first post, this around the venture is going to be subject to a number of breaks.  And I do have a few new planes in my hanger which I want to use.